The wisdom of wise souls. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
The wisdom of wise souls. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
The wisdom of wise souls. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
The wisdom of wise souls. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
The wisdom of wise souls. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
The wisdom of wise souls. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
The wisdom of wise souls. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
The wisdom of wise souls. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
The wisdom of wise souls. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague

Wisdom of life.

Wisdom arises through experience, experience and lived life.

Life consists of a constantly happening presence. From the smallest moments.

I love reading. Conscious and awakening. I love sharing, conscious and awakening. …and that’s why I’m going to share little excerpts from the books here with all of you who also love conscious texts. Whatever these words awaken in you, that’s right.

“Thinking is the great falsifier; it represents man’s effort to understand the universe, while love is God’s effort to understand man”


“We live on a planet where the platypus lives, where black gay swans exist, where strange bats fly that echolocate and dolphins flap their heads. We live on a planet of strange aliens, and we are one of them.” 

— Kryštof and Vojta Brain We Are

“Everything returns to its original source, must return to it. Life means forgetting our original source, death means re-remembering, returning home.”


“I don’t like that man. I must get know him better.”

-Abraham Lincoln

“If we stop dying, we cannot live. Without exhalation, there is also no inhaling. Breathing out and breathing in are connected, just like life and death.” 

— Osho

“It is better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.” 

-Abraham Lincoln

“Love can be compared to darkness because it is deep.”


“Freedom without obedience is confusion, and obedience without freedom is slavery.” 

-Abraham Lincoln

“If something works well for me, it is not necessary to know why it works well for me.” 

— Osho

“Live in the world, but don’t let the world live in you. Then you will be alone, even in the middle of a crowd… Even in the middle of a crowd, you will see the other side. Love, but don’t let your love turn into lust. Love, but don’t let your love become addiction, slavery. And then….Then you love fully. Then there is no fear. 

— Osho

“Love is a risk. To love is to navigate dangerous waters — love is not safe because it cannot be controlled. The situation is out of your hands. He behaves erratically: you never know where he will lead you. You grope in the dark, but that’s where the roots grow. If the roots were afraid of the dark and did not grow into the ground, the tree would die. They must make their way to the deepest layers of the earth where they will find the life-giving moisture.”


“Ego divides, love unites. Ego divides and makes you an island — alone. Love… and you will become a continent again. Love is the bridge between you and that which exists.”


“Jsem pauza mezi dvěma notami, 

mezi nimiž jen vzácně nastává shoda, 

neboť smrt má většinou navrch. 

Avšak obě se rozechvěle smíří 

v temném intervalu a píseň zůstává bez poskvrny.” 



Oním temným intervalem je láska — v ní se snoubí život a smrt, mají spolu milostný vztah a dojdou společně k vyvrcholení. V tom spočívá úžasná síla přitažlivosti lásky: představuje totiž život…ale také strach, protože je v ní obsažena i smrt. Pokud se milujete s mužem či ženou, nikdy se tomu plně neoddáte. Odhodláte se k tomu, protože jde o záležitost života, pak ale zaváháte a nepouštíte se dál, protože je ve hře i smrt. Je to pauza mezi dvěma notami, temná pauza — temný interval.

Láska se dá přirovnat k temnotě, protože je hluboká. Temnota má vždy určitou hloubku, světlo je plytké. Den je plytký, noc je hluboká a nekonečná. Láska se podobá temnému, hlubokému odpočinku. Láska je temná, smrt je temná — mezi láskou a smrtí existuje spřízněnost. 

Žijete v lásce a také v ní umíráte. Neboli — umíráte, proto žijete. 

Onen interval představuje nejvyšší vrcholnou fázi, největší zkušnost.


“Happines is when what you think, what you say and what you do, are in harmony.”

-Mahatma Gandhi

“The highest state of love is not a relationship, but a state of your being. Love is loving like trees are green. They don’t grow green for a particular person, they don’t grow green when you come to them. A flower smells regardless of whether someone approaches it, whether someone appreciates it for its fragrance or not. It is a state of mind, not a relationship.”


“Our life is not influenced by circumstances, but by our reactions to circumstances” 

— Petr Kryštofovič

“The greatest adventure you can have is living the life of your dreams” 

— Oprah Winfrey