Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague


Prague / Czech Republic




Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague

Josef Krcil

Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague

Dana Liskova


We are a team not only in our professional life, but also in our personal life. Our profession brought us together in 2020 and since then we have been experiencing wedding receptions and parties together with you. 

 For the fourth year, we support each other, assist each other, create and create memories of your wedding experiences together. 

 We laugh with you, sometimes we even cry with emotion and sometimes we are invited to dance. Our approach to work is professional but also very relaxed. Weddings are a celebration, a joyful event and a transition from one stage of life to another. We are here to celebrate a new phase of your lives together. 

 Your PHOTO-VIDEO TEAM, Dana and Josef

Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague
Wedding team — Dana & Radek photographer & videographer. Dana Lišková — photographer based in Prague

Orientační kalkulace nejžádanější služby

All in one balíček foto + video na 10h. 

Nabídka foto: 

- 10 hodin — (přípravy, příjezd hostů, obřad, skupinové fotky, portrétní focení novomanželů, svatební zvyky, reportáž)

- cca 250-320 editovaných fotek + retuš párových, hotové fotky v digitální podobě do 6-8 týdnů, prvních 5 fotografií dostanete do 24hod. po svatbě a můžete se hned chlubit :) 

+ novomanželský dáreček jako bonus.

Nabídka videa: 

- 10 natáčecích hodin, 3-5 minut svatební klip + záběry z dronu


Co získáte při objednání obou služeb:

1. sleva — 10% 

2. — cestovní náklady zdarma

3.  jako tým spolupracujeme již 4 roky, a proto máme práci strategicky rozdělenou. :)



= 38 500,- za sehrané duo foto + video v nejvyšší palbě.

V případě potřeby lze doladit specifikace služeb i časové rozpětí.